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What I would do differently if I could restart the school year

Can you believe that it's already November? I don't know where the time has gone, but we are definitely in the full swing of things now! Meanwhile, I have been extra busy, plugging away at my practicum placement in a Grade 1 French Immersion classroom, while also juggling classes and side jobs as well.

Now that I am in my last year of my program, I can confidently look back and pinpoint what are certain things that I would love to change about the start of the school year so that I can do it right, and start off strong. So, let's all go down memory lane!


This advice is one that I never followed, in all of my practicum placements. And trust me... I can see the direct consequences in the form of hurting feet and tired legs. I'm not saying that a good shoe investment won't make you tired, but definitely can find a nice pair of professional shoes without compromising comfort. So please do what I didn't do, and purchase a pair. And besides, you'll need it for when you start teaching anyways.


Yeah... this one came about when the my subway line got completely shut down on the first day of school. Picture me stranded at Sherbourne station with no bus alternatives, frantically downloading Uber with my limited data and hoping that I would get to my placement on time. Want to avoid that nightmare? Yeah... then I'd highly suggest that you download Uber ahead of time :)


First of all, picture an elementary classroom, a kindergarten class, if you will. Lots of little children running around, lots of not-so-clean hands touching everything and everywhere. Add to that a bug or two that is definitely floating in the air. So what would be the logical thing to do? Wash your hands of course! Yes, as a teacher, you better bet that you're washing your hands at every chance you get. And so, what happens when you're washing your hands way more than the average person? Lots and lots of dried hands. Sooooo, you will definitely need the hand cream, and lots of it. It's best to steer clear of the scented stuff and to just go with the ones that are tried and true. My personal favourite? Vaseline's intensive care line-never failed me yet!


The amount of germs you come in contact with as a teacher candidate is much higher and more deadly than probably just about any other workplace environment. This year, I finally stocked up on my Vitamin Cs and started taking care of my body and my health proactively. I even bought this little pill case container from Amazon, it is so handy for storing my Tylenol/Advil, and any other meds.

Now with these tips, hopefully you'll be able to have an amazing start to the school year & an amazing practicum! Cheers!

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