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Thnks fr th mmrs

With the research conference in just two weeks, we are coming to the end of the semester. So what does this mean for MT students?


If you've accepted your offer of admission to the Master of Teaching program - congrats! You should expect to hear about upcoming information sessions/meet and greets in a few months. Get ready for a jam-packed 20 months of school, and check out our other blogs to get a sense of what to expect!


Enjoy your break between semesters! Intersession classes begin May 14th and run until June 20th. Classes are typically Tuesdays and Thursdays (9am-12pm and 1pm-4pm). The summer classes start July 2nd and run until August 8th. While these semesters are each only 6 weeks in length, this means the workload for each course is a lot higher because of the compressed timeline! Having two full days of class didn't really allow any of my classmates to work full-time, so some tried to find jobs that would work around this schedule.

One of my best suggestions is to bring a little blanket to sit on and eat lunch outside with your cohort in between classes (enjoy the sunshine while you can!). Some other fun things to do during summer school are going to Toronto island,

Eventually you'll need to sign up for your electives online, and if I have one suggestion (the same as everyone else's...........)


Everyone says this but it’s true. Electives in your second year run through practicum, so if you choose an in-class elective, you'll need to commute to OISE after a full day of teaching for a three hour elective class. So take something online!

The second year of your program will fly by, so make the most of these next few months! (& don't forget to vote for your MTSA by April 2nd!)


WE MADE IT! Whether you still have a few assignments due for your elective or teachable classes, we are this close to becoming certified teachers. I don't know about you, but I finally feel like a teacher rather than a student. I feel that the MT program has definitely prepared me to become a teacher and I can't wait to start! Here's a quick thanks to the members of my cohort for filling the last two years with unforgettable memories and laughter.

PEACE OUT from Cohort 233

Wishing you all the best of luck in whatever comes next! (Stay tuned for a bonus post regarding teaching abroad!)

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